
Gregor Kasper (* 1986) wurde in der DDR geboren und wuchs während der post-sozialistischen Transformationsprozesse in Ostdeutschland auf. Sich unterschiedlicher Medien wie Film/Video, Sound und Installation bedienend, oft in kollaborativen und partizipativen Konstellationen, beschäftigt er sich in seiner künstlerischen Praxis vorrangig mit Erinnerungspraktiken und Geschichtsaufarbeitungen, gesellschaftlichen Gegenwartsanalysen im Kontext des globalen Kapitalismus sowie emanzipatorischen Zukünften. Dabei geht er den Wechselverhältnissen zwischen persönlichen Zugängen und gesellschaftlichen gegen/hegemonialen Narrativen und Machtverhältnissen nach. Seine Arbeiten werden national und international auf Ausstellungen, Screenings und Filmfestivals präsentiert, etwa: Berlinale - Internationales Filmfestival – Forum Expanded; Centre Pompidou, Paris; Locarno Filmfestival; MMK, Frankfurt; Migros Museum, Zürich; RAVY Biennal, Yaoundé; SAVVY Contemporary, Berlin; Staatliche Kunstsammlungen, Dresden; Museum of Contemporary Art, Taipei; Image Forum Festival, Tokyo. Er lebt und arbeitet in Dresden und Berlin.

Gregor Kasper (b. 1986) was born in East Germany and grew up there within the post-communist transformation processes after the Cold War. Using a variety of media such as film / video, sound and installation, often in collaborative and participatory constellations, his artistic practice focuses on the construction and mediation of history and remembrance, social contemporary analyses in the context of global capitalism, and emancipatory futures, pursuing the interrelations between personal approaches and social counter/hegemonic narratives and power relations. His works are presented internationally in exhibitions, screenings and film festivals, such as Berlinale - International Film Festival – Forum Expanded; Centre Pompidou, Paris; Locarno Film Festival; MMK, Frankfurt; Migros Museum, Zurich; RAVY Biennal, Yaoundé; SAVVY Contemporary, Berlin; State Art Collection, Dresden; Museum of Contemporary Art, Taipei; Image Forum Festival, Tokyo. He is now living and working in Dresden and Berlin, Germany.

Ausbildung Education
2014 - 2018Kunst im Kontext (Master), Universität der Künste, Berlin
Art in Context (MFA), University of the Arts, Berlin, Germany
2009 - 2014Malerei (Diplom), weißensee kunsthochschule, Berlin
Painting (diploma), weißensee academy of art, Berlin, Germany

Stipendien, Preise Scholarships, Awards
2023 Reisestipendium, Berliner Senatsverwaltung für Kultur und Europa
Travel stipend, Berlin’s Senate Department for Culture and Europe
2022 NEUSTART KULTUR Stipendium für bildende Künstler*innen, Stiftung Kunstfonds
RE-START CULTURE Stipend for artists, Stiftung Kunstfonds
2020 NEUSTART KULTUR Stipendium für bildende Künstler*innen mit Kindern unter 7 Jahren, Stiftung Kunstfonds
RE-START CULTURE Stipend for artists with children under 7 years, Stiftung Kunstfonds
2019 Arbeitsstipendium, Riesa Efau / Motorenhalle, Dresden
Project Stipend, Riesa Efau / Motorenhalle, Dresden
Recherchestipendium Bildende Kunst, Berliner Senatsverwaltung für Kultur und Europa
Research Stipend in Fine Art, Berlin’s Senate Department for Culture and Europe
2018 Auszeichnung: Besondere Erwähnung - 3. Spain Moving Images Festival, Madrid
Award: Honorable Mention - 3rd Spain Moving Images Festival, Madrid
2014 Mart Stam Preis
Mart Stam Prize

Projektförderungen Project Grants
2023 Präsentationen zeitgenössischer Bildender Kunst, Berliner Senatsverwaltung für Kultur und Europa
Presentations of contemporary visual art, Berlin’s Senate Department for Culture and Europe
Ausstellungsförderung, ifa (Institut für Auslandsbeziehungen)
Exhibition Funding, ifa (Institut für Auslandsbeziehungen)
2022 Künstlerprojekt-Zuschuss, Stiftung Kunstfonds
Artist Project Grant, Stiftung Kunstfonds
2021 ADAM 2021: Rehearsing (for) the Future, Taipei Performing Arts Center
Modul C: Innovative Kunstprojekte (NEUSTART KULTUR), BBK
Module C: Innovative Art Projects (RE-START CULTURE), BBK
2020 Künstlerkontakte, ifa (Institut für Auslandsbeziehungen)
Artists‘ Contacts, ifa (Institut für Auslandsbeziehungen)

Einzelpräsentationen Solo Shows
2025 "The Currency Lab - tɛknoʊmædʒɪkɛs" (with Elom 20ce, Musquiqui Chihying), E-Werk, Freiburg, Germany

Ausstellungsbeteiligungen (Auswahl) Group Shows (Selection)
2025 "Undermining the Immediacy", MMK, Frankfurt, Germany
"Accumulation – On Collecting, Growth and Excess", Migros Museum, Zurich, Switzerland
2024 "18th Busan International Video Art Festival", Space Heem, Busan + Gyeongnam Art Museum, Changwon, South Korea
"CAPTURING NOWNESS", Kraftwerk Mitte, Dresden, Germany + Museum of Contemporary Art, Taipei, Taiwan
2023 "The Oceans and the Interpreters", CCA + Yaba Art Museum / MAD House, Lagos, Nigeria
"Structural Stowaway", Basis, Frankfurt/Main, Germany
"Wantalon - Schatten", Kunst Fest Zeitz, Zeitz, Germany
"Kontrapunkte: Focus China", ON SCREEN / voices - Staatliche Kunstsammlungen Dresden, Dresden, Germany
"8th RAVY Biennale", Yaoundé, Cameroon
2022 "The Oceans and the Interpreters", Hong-Gah Museum, Taipei, Taiwan
"JUBILEE X", HAUNT, Berlin, Germany
"The Intimate Revolt", Goethe-Institut, Beijing, China
"Messages", Projektraum Galerie M, Berlin, Germany
2021 "The Currency Lab", WoeLabs (Prime), Lomé, Togo
2020 "PostColonialPostFreakPostCardShow", Deutsches Eck, Koblenz & Maschsee, Hannover, Germany
"Readings From Below", Times Art Center, Berlin, Germany
"Chine Afrique", Centre Pompidou, Paris, France
2019 "Utopien - Besetzung, Belegung, Bespielung", Motorenhalle, Dresden, Germany
"Wirklichkeit !", Psychosoziale Initiative Moabit e.V. @ "Ortstermin 19 - Fata Morgana", Berlin, Germany
"Art for humanism", Lipsiusbau, Dresden, Germany
"ismus - 12. Ostrale Biennale O'19", Dresden, Germany
“Kunstraum Berlin“, Residenz Deutsche Botschaft, Beijing, China
"#WOD", #WOD-Bus on Tour, Dresden, Germany
2018 "Trans-Justice: Para-Colonial@Technology", Museum of Contemporary Art, Taipei, Taiwan
"New Directions - Musquiqui Chihying: I'll Be Back",
Ullens Center for Contemporary Art (UCCA), Beijing, China
"A Mechanism Capable of Changing Itself", 68. Berlinale, 13. Forum Expanded,
Akademie der Künste (Academy of Arts), Berlin, Germany
2017 "Datscha Radio 17: Plots and Prophecies - Parzellenprognosen", Berlin, Germany
2016 "On Timing and Duration", Universität der Künste (University of the Arts), Berlin, Germany
2015"State of Mind", Projektraum im Kunstquartier Bethanien, Berlin, Germany
"KONTEXT LABOR BERNAU", Heeresbekleidungsamt, Bernau bei Berlin, Germany
"Sinnlichkeit", ehemalige Justizvollzugsanstalt, Magdeburg, Germany
"Seeing As Hearing", Hochschule für Musik Hanns Eisler – Marstall, Berlin, Germany
2014"Unerhörte Räume", Kunsthalle am Hamburger Platz, Berlin, Germany
"REIF", Kühlhaus, Berlin, Germany
"I < 3 Kunst", Kunsthalle am Hamburger Platz, Berlin, Germany
"Anonyme Zeichner. Based In Berlin", Pavillon Am Milchhof, Berlin, Germany
"Kopier mir die Sonne", Akademisches Kunstmuseum, Bonn, Germany
2013"Aufzeichnungen", Kulturfabrik, Hoyerswerda, Berlin, Germany
"Anonyme Zeichner", Kunstverein Tiergarten – Galerie Nord, Berlin, Germany /
Galerie Delikatessenhaus, Leipzig, Germany / Temporary Art Centre, Eindhoven, Netherlands

Filmfestivals & Institutionelle Filmvorführungen (Auswahl) Film Festivals & Institutional Screenings (Selection)
2025 "29th REGARD", Saguenay, Canada
"38th Stuttgarter Filmwinter", Stuttgart, Germany
2024 "11th Cairo Video Festival", Cairo, Egypt
"5th Bangui Fait Son Cinéma", Bangui, Central African Republic
"4th CineFest - Festival de Cinema ao Ar Livre em Viana", Luanda, Angola
"13th Chaktomuk Short Film Festival", Phnom Penh, Cambodia
"41st Tehran International Short Film Festival", Tehran, Iran
"2nd Tramway Film Festival", Warsaw, Poland"
"20th Festival Transterritorial de Cine Underground", Tigre/Buenos Aires, Argentina
"8th Festival International du Film du Togo", Lomé, Togo
"Gbegbetopia", Archive Books, SAVVY Contemporary, Berlin, Germany
"21st Vienna Shorts", Vienna, Austria
""11th Riga Pasaules Film Festival", Riga, Latvia
"36th Filmfest Dresden", Dresden, Germany
2023 "40th Kassel Dokfest", Kassel, Germany
"65th ZINEBI - International Festival of Documentary and Short Film", Bilbao, Spain
"15th DMZ Docs - International Documentary Film Festival", Goyang City / Paju City, South Korea
"76 Locarno Film Festival", Pardi di domani: Concorso internazionale, Locarno, Suisse
2022 "Black, A Film Festival", C-LAB - Taiwan Sound Lab, Taipei, Taiwan
2021 "Equi-vocal", AFSAR (Asian Feminist Studio for Art and Research), Berlin, Germany
"Citizens in the Shade, Aliens in the Sun: Trade",Vernàcular Institute, Mexico City, Mexico
"Topia Festival", Frontviews, Berlin, Germany
"Territories under my skin", Changing Room, Berlin, Germany &
Goethe-Institut, Windhoek, Namibia
2020 "17th Kurzsuechtig Short Film Festival", Leipzig, Germany
"Black Light", Arsenal - Institut für Film und Videokunst, Berlin, Germany
Asia Art Center, Shanghai, China
2019 "Burden of Memory: Considering German Colonial History in Africa", Goethe-Institut / Sita Bella, Yaoundé, Cameroon
UNSW Art & Design (University of New South Wales), Sydney, Australia
"33rd Image Forum Festival", Tokyo, Japan
"Spinning Triangles: Ignition of School of Design", SAVVY Contemporary, Berlin, Germany
"3rd International Safe Community Short Film Festival", Mashhad, Iran
"7th BioBio Cine", Concepción, Chile
"6th CineKasimanwa: The Western Visayas Film Festival", Iloilo City, Philippines
"1st Diorama International Film Festival", New Dehli, India
2018 "3rd Busan Art Film Festival", Busan, South Korea
"33rd Entrevues Belfort International Film Festival", Belfort, France
"18th Short Film Days Flensburg", Flensburg, Germany
"3rd Salto Independent Film Festival", Salto, Uruguay
"3rd Spain Moving Images Festival", Madrid, Spain (Award: Honorable Mention)
"8th iRep Filmfestival", Lagos, Nigeria
"68th Berlinale", 13th Forum Expanded, Berlin, Germany

Präsentationen, Gespräche, Workshops, Performances Presentations, Conversations, Workshops, Performances
2024 "Gbegbetopia", Archive Books, SAVVY Contemporary, Berlin, Germany
"Something Better Change: Film & Activism", Talking Shorts @ 21st Vienna Shorts, Vienna, Austria >>
2023 "What About Skin Tones? Opening the Black Box of Lighting", Interfilm Festival, Berlin, Germany >>
"openART", DA Kunsthaus Kloster Gravenhorst, Hörstel, Germany
"Exit Happyland", Filmfest Dresden / Hole of Fame, Dresden, Germany >>
2022 "Activités de pré-configuration de la Maison Gbégbé", Maison Gbégbé, Agouegan, Togo >>
2021 "ADAM 2021 Rehearsing (for) the Future", Taipei Performing Arts Center, Taipei, Taiwan >>
"THEY:LIVE", Universität der Künste - Institut für Kunst im Kontext (University of the Arts - Institute for Art in Context), Berlin, Germany >>
"AFSAR (Asian Feminist Studio for Art and Research) - Archiving Talk", Brücke Museum, Berlin, Germany >>
UCL, University of London, London, UK
2020 "The Currency - LP Launch Event", Times Art Center, Berlin, Germany >>
2019 UCL, University of London - IAS Forum, London, UK
Universität der Künste - Medienhaus (University of the Arts - media house), Berlin, Germany
École des Beaux-arts (School of Fine Arts), Paris, France
2018 Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität (University of Münster), Münster, Germany
2017 Iwalewahaus, Universität (University of Bayreuth), Bayreuth, Germany

Kuration Curatorial
2021 The Currency Lab, WoeLabs (Prime), Lomé, Togo >>

Veröffentlichungen - monographisch Publications - monographic
The Currency – EP (with Elom 20ce & Musquiqui Chihying) (Berlin, Sternberg Press, 2020) >>
scrapped, left behind, underway, completed works 2010 -2015 //
verworfene, liegengebliebene, im Werden befindliche, fertiggestellte Arbeiten 2010 - 2015 (Berlin, 2015)
Wozu noch Kunst? (Hoyerswerda, 2014)

Veröffentlichungen - Beiträge Publications - Contributions
"Painting Maison Gbegbe" (with Musquiqui Chihying)
In: GBEGBETOPIA — MAISON GBEGBE: An Art-Based Community And Spiritual Center, Archive Books, Berlin, 2024
>> PDF
"Soundcheck" (with Rosanna Lovell)
In: Gefährdete Demokratie?! Drei künstlerische Ausrufezeichen, Bettina-von-Arnim Schule Berlin & Kulturagenten für kreative Schulen Berlin, 2021
>> PDF
"Decolonial Love" (with Abdel Amine Mohammed & Musquiqui Chihying)
In: Decapitated Economies (intercalations 5), K. Verlag & HKW, Berlin, 2021
>> K. Verlag
>> HKW (PDF)
"Café Togo. Wenn aktivistische und künstlerische Praxis sich im Film begegnen" (with Musquiqui Chihying)
In: IZ3W - °376, 2020
>> PDF
"Die Menschen machen den Sound. Vom Zuhören und Hörbarmachen von Grenzen" (with Rosanna Lovell)
In: What Does It Take To Cross A Border? Education Lab, ifa-Galerie, Berlin, 2019

Veröffentlichungen - Kataloge (Auswahl) Publications - Catalogues (Selection)
GBEGBETOPIA — MAISON GBEGBE: An Art-Based Community And Spiritual Center (Berlin, 2024) >> PDF
40th Kassel Dokfest (Kassel, 2023)
Structural Stowaway (Frankfurt/Main, 2023)
76 Locarno Film Festival (Locarno, 2023)
The Currency Lab (woelabs, Lomé, 2021)
PostColonialPostFreakPostCardShow (Hannover, 2020) >>
Readings From Below (Times Art Center, Berlin, 2020) >>
Utopien - Besetzung, Belegung, Bespielung (riesa efau / Motorenhalle, Dresden, 2019)
The Burden of Memory – Considering German Colonial History in Africa (Goethe Institut, Yaounde, 2019)
Image Forum (Tokio, 2019)
ismus – 12. Ostrale Biennale (Dresden, 2019)
What Does It Take To Cross A Border? Education Lab (ifa Gallery, Berlin, 2019)
German Colonial Heritage in Africa - Artistic and Cultural Perspectives (Goethe Institut, Yaounde, 2019) >>
33rd Entrevues Belfort International Film Festival (Belfort, 2018)
Masterarbeiten im postgradualen Studiengang „Art in Context“ 2017/2018 (UdK Berlin, 2018)
8th iRep Film Festival (Lagos, 2018)
68th Berlinale, 13th Forum Expanded, (Berlin, 2018)
Datscha Radio 17: Plots and Prophecies - Parzellenprognosen (Berlin, 2017) >>
State of Mind (weißensee kunsthochschule, Berlin, 2015)
I < 3 Kunst & 7 auf einen Streich (Kunsthalle am Hamburger Platz, Berlin, 2014)
Displace. A Migrating Art Academies Compendium of Ideas (Academy of Arts, Vilnius, 2014)
Kopier mir die Sonne (Akademisches Kunstmuseum, Bonn, 2014)

Besprechungen & Interviews Reviews & Interviews
"Art Express - The Ocean And The Interpreters" (TVC Lagos, 11/2023) >>
"ZINEBI65 - Gregor Kasper. The Currency – Sensing 1 Agbogbloshie" (ZINEBI, 11/2023) >>
"Alternative Histories and Translocal Echoes" (voices - Staatliche Kunstsammlungen Dresden, 10/2023) >> EN >> DE
"Locarno review: The Currency – Sensing #1 Agbogbloshie" (ubiquarian, 08/2023) >>
"Recognizing the Roots: Notes on Cameroon’s 2023 RAVY Visual Art Festival" (Artouch, 07/2023) >>
"Das ist unsere Geschichte - Neue Stimmen zum Reiterdenkmal des »Großen Kurfürsten«" (Sans, Souci., 01/2023) >>
"Journal" (TVT - TV Togolaise, 05/2021) >>
"L'Bala" (TVT - TV Togolaise, 05/2021) >>
"Was will uns diese Chipstüte sagen?" (Tagesspiegel, 09/2020) >>
"The Currency" (CoLaboRadio, 09/2020) >>
"The unmastered past" (Violence Elsewhere, 11/2019) >>
"Café Togo" (Le Blog Entrevues, 11/2018) >>
"Archiving Africa's Teutonic Remnants" (The iRep Report, 03/2018)
"Reviewing Berlinale" (BBC - Africa, 02/2018)
"Auf den Spuren des Kolonialismus" (Deutschlandfunk Kultur, 02/2018) >>
"Forum-culture Missahoe" (TV7 - Togo, 12/2016)
"Steine mit Geschichte" (MOZ, 07/2015) >>
"Kunst einmal anders wahrnehmen" (LR, 07/2014) >>
"Ein Abend der Hoffnung auf mehr" (LR, 09/2013) >>

Lehrerfahrung Teaching Experience
2022Workshop @ Fachbereich Germanistik der Fakultät für Geisteswissenschaften Sprachen und Künste, Universität von Lomé, Lomé, Togo
Workshop @ German Department of the Faculty of Arts and Languages, University of Lomé, Lomé, Togo
2021 - 2022Lehrauftrag @ Fachklasse Zeitbezogene Medien und Performance von Prof. Mathilde ter Heijne, Universität der Künste, Berlin
Lectureship @ Performance & Time Based Media Class of Prof. Mathilde ter Heijne, University of the Arts, Berlin, Germany
2013 - 2014Lehrauftrag @ Künstlerische Grundlagen, weißensee kunsthochschule, Berlin
Lectureship @ Art + Design Foundation, weißensee academy of art, Berlin, Germany